Friday, August 29, 2014

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika - D3, S1, S2 CPNS KOMINFO August 2014

Kementerian Kominfo
Kementerian Kominfo /
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia - Kementerian Kominfo or commonly abbreviated as KOMINFO is the Ministry of Communications and Informatics of Republic Indonesia. KOMINFO is the Indonesian ministry which oversees the communication and informatics affairs. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika was formerly known as Departemen Komunikasi and Informatika (Depkominfo) or the Department of Communications and Informatics. KOMINFO is based in Jakarta and its head office is registered at Jl Medan Merdeka Barat No 9 Jakarta 10110. KOMINFO was lead by the Minister for Communications and Information Technology that since 2009 held by Tifatul Sembiring. The Minister is assisted 4 Directorate Generals (DG), namely DG of Resources and Post Device and Informatics, DG of the Post and Information Implementation, DG of Informatics Applications, and DG of Public Information and Communication.

Due to strengthen its team, now Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia seeks the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as
  1. Perencana Pertama : S1 All Majors (1)
  2. Analis Organisasi : S1 Law/Psycology (1)
  3. Analis Anggaran : S1 Accounting (1)
  4. Analis Produk Hukum : S1 Law (1)
  5. Asisten Apoteker Pelaksana : D3 Apoteker (1)
  6. Pranata Komputer Pertama : S1 Computer (1)
  7. Analis Bahan Media : S1 Management, Communication (1)
  8. Analis Bahan Kerja Sama Publik Multilateral : S1 Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, International Law, Constitutional Law, Communication, International Relations (1)
  9. Widyaiswara Pertama : S1 Informatin Technology (1)
  10. Pengadministrasi Keuangan : D3 Accounting (2)
  11. Penyiap Bahan Pengaduan dan Penyelesaian Sengketa : S1 Law (1)
  12. Auditor Pertama : S1 Electrical Engineering (1)
  13. Auditor Pertama : S1 Civil Law (1)
  14. Auditor Pertama : S1 Accounting (4)
  15. Analis Kebijakan Pertama : S1 Telecommunication Engineering (1)
  16. Penata Laporan Evaluasi Biaya : S1 Accounting (1)
  17. Analis Kebijakan Perangkat Pos : S1 Informatics Engineering (1)
  18. Pengadministrasi Keuangan : D3 Accounting (8)
  19. Pengadministrasi Barang Milik Negara (BMN) : D3 All Majors (3)
  20. Pengendali Frekuensi Radio Pelaksana : D3 Electro (6)
  21. Penyusun Program dan Anggaran : S1 Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Management (1)
  22. Analis Kebutuhan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan :  S1 State Administration, Public Administration (1)
  23. Analis Kebijakan Layanan Pos : S1 State Administration, Public Administration (1)
  24. Penyusun Program Perangko : S1 State Administration, Law (1)
  25. Analis Kebijakan Pentarifan Lembaga Pos : S1 State Administration, Law (1)
  26. Penyusun program Jaringan Backbone : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Electro Engineering (1)
  27. Analis Kebijakan Kelayakan Sistem Telekomunikasi : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Electro Engineering (1)
  28. Analis Layanan Telekomunikasi : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Electro Engineering (1)
  29. Analis Kebijakan Bidang Penyiaran : S1 Law, Communication Science,(3)
  30. Analis Bahan Perijinan Radio : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering (1)
  31. Analis Perijinan Televisi : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering (1)
  32. Analis Pengembangan Infrastruktur : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering (1)
  33. Analis Jaringan Komunikasi : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Electro Engineering (1)
  34. Analis Hasil Monitoring Penyiaran :
    • S1 Telecommunication Engineering (1)
    • S1 Electro Engineering (1)
  35. Analis Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak : S1 Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering (1)
  36. Penyusun Bahan Evaluasi dan Laporan : S1 Economic Development, Management, Accounting (1)
  37. Pengadministrasi Umum : D3 All Majors (1)
  38. Analis Kebijakan e-Goverment : S1 Computer (3)
  39. Analis Kebijakan e-Business : S1 Computer (3)
  40. Analis Kebijakan Pemberdayaan Informatika :
    • S1 Accounting (1)
    • S1 State Administration (1)
    • S1 Economics (1)
    • S1 Computer (1)
    • D3 All Majors (1)
  41. Analis Kelembagaan Keamanan Informasi : S1 Computer (1)
  42. Analis Hukum Keamanan Informasi : S1 Law (1)
  43. Analis Etika dan Budaya Teknologi Informasi : S1 Computer (1)
  44. Pengelola Informasi dan Komunikasi Publik : S1 Economics (1)
  45. Penata Laporan Keuangan : S1 Accounting (1)
  46. Analis Bahan Kerja Sama Dalam dan Luar Negeri : S1 International Relations (1)
  47. Analis Komunikasi Publik : S2 Public Policy, Communication (1)
  48. Penata Laporan Komunikasi Publik : S2 Economics, Management, Communication (1)
  49. Penyusun Bahan Pengumpulan Opini Publik : S2 Communication, Management (1)
  50. Analis Bahan Data Bidang Industri dan Perdagangan : S1 Communication (1)
  51. Pranata Komputer Pertama : S1 Computer (3)
  52. Reporter : S1 Broadcasting (1)
  53. Penyusun Naskah : S1 Journalism, Communication (1)
  54. Penyusun Hasil Monitoring dan Evaluasi Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Lembaga Negara : S1 Communication (1)
  55. Pranata Hubungan Masyarakat Pertama : S1 Communication (1)
  56. Penyusun Program Layanan Informasi Media Asing : S1 Journalism (1)
  57. Pustakawan Pertama : S1 Library (1)
  58. Dosen Pertama :
    • S2 Game Design (2)
    • S2 Theatre (2)
    • S2 Visual Communication Design (1)
    • S2 Videography Concentration Animation (2
    • S2 Fine Arts (1)
  59. Peneliti Pertama : S2 Telecommunication Management (1), S2 Public Policy (1), S2 Communication/Informatics (1), S2 Statistics (1)
  60. Penyusun Laporan Keuangan : S1 Accounting (1)
  61. Pengelola Barang Milik Negara (BMN) : S1 All Majors (1)
  62. Pengadministrasi Keuangan : S1 Economics Management (1)
  63. Instruktur Pertama : S2 Information System (1)
Note : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika will held Basic Competence Test (TKD) using the Computer Assisted Test system (CAT). To learn about CPNS test using CAT system, please register here.

For further information about jobs requirements and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika on following link below. Register online through the national portal and then register to All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)


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