Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia / |
Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia - ANRI or the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia is a non-ministerial agency in Indonesia with main duties in the field of archives administration. ANRI was formed in 1971 based on the Law no 7 of 1971. The Agency is under and responsible directly to the President of Republic Indonesia. ANRI is based in Jakarta and its head office is regietered at Jl Ampera Raya - Cilandak Timur Jakarta 12560. The organizational structure of ANRI comprise of Head, Main Secretariat, Deputy, Main Inspectorate, Archives Service Center, and Centre for Education and Training (Pusdiklat). Currently, the Head of ANRI held by Mustari Irawan.
Due to strengthen its team, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia seeks the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as
No | Position | Education | Grade | Formation |
1 | Arsiparis Pelaksana | D3 Archieves, Information and Documentation Management, Information Science | II/c | 5 |
2 | Arsiparis Pertama | S1 Public Administration, SOSPOL, Law, History, Geography, Informatics Technology, Information System | III/a | 14 |
3 | Pranata Komputer Pelaksana | D3 Informatics Engineering, Information System | II/c | 2 |
4 | Pranata Komputer Pertama | S1 Informatics Engineering, Information System | III/a | 1 |
5 | Analis Kepegawaian Pertama | S1 Law | III/a | 1 |
S1 Psychology | III/a | 1 | ||
6 | Assesor SDM Aparatur Pertama | S1 Psychology | III/a | 1 |
7 | Auditor Pertama | S1 Accounting | III/a | 1 |
8 | Perencana Pertama | S1 Accounting | III/a | 2 |
9 | Peneliti Pertama | S2 Public Administration, Law, Political Science | III/b | 2 |
10 | Widyaiswara Pertama | S1 All Majors | III/a | 2 |
11 | Sekretaris | D3 Secretary | II/c | 4 |
12 | Teknisi Peralatan, Listrik dan Elektronika | SMK Electronics | II/a | 1 |
13 | Pemelihara Gedung | SMK Building | II/a | 1 |
14 | Teknisi Mesin | SMK Mechanical | II/a | 1 |
15 | Verifikator Keuangan | D3 Accounting | II/c | 3 |
Note : Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia will held Basic Competence Test (TKD) using the Computer Assisted Test system (CAT). To learn about CPNS test using CAT system, please register here.
For further information about jobs requirements and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia on following link below. Register online through the website and then register to All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)
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