Sunday, July 20, 2014

RSAB Harapan Kita - Recruitment D3, S1, S2 Staff NON CPNS RSAB Harapan Kita July 2014

RSAB Harapan Kita
RSAB Harapan Kita /
Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda Harapan Kita - RSAB Harapan Kita is a reputable state-owned hospital in Jakarta. RSAB Harapan Kita was designed especially for children, teens, and mothers. The Hospital was operated under the Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia. RSAB Harapan Kita was established in 1979 by the second president of Indonesia Soeharto. The Hospital is situated in Jl Letjend S Parman Kav 87 Slipi West Jakarta. RSAB Harapan Kita is the hospital type / class B special with a number of beds 325. The Hospital operates under Integrated Quality Management Systems based on international standards of ISO 9001:2000 (since 2005).

Due to strengthen its team, Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda Harapan Kita is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:
  1. Apoteker - Pharmacists
  2. Psikologi Klinis - S2 Clinical Child Psychology
  3. Auditor - S1 Accounting
  4. Perancang Peraturan - S1 Law, preferably experienced in the field.
  5. Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan - D3 Health Analysis
  6. Nutrisionis - D3 Nutrition/ S1 nutrition Professionals
  7. Perawat - D3 Nurse, Dental Nurse, Nurse Anesthesia
  8. Nurse - S1 Nursing Profession
  9. Bidan - D3 Midwifery 
  10. Sanitarian - D3/S1 Environmental Health
  11. Perekam Medis - D3 Medical Recorder
  12. Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian - D3 Pharmaceutical
  13. Fisioterapis - D3 physiotherapist
  14. Terapi Wicara - D3 Speech Therapy
  15. Pengadministrasi Umum - D3 Hospital
  16. Pranata Humas - D3/S1 Communication
  17. Programmer D3 Informatics Engineering, S1 Computer
  18. Penata Keuangan - S1 Management
  19. Teknis Elektromedis - D3 Electromedical Engineering
  20. Teknik Sipil - D3 Civil Engineering
General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  • Male/Female
  • Maximum age of 26 years old for Diploma and 30 years old for Bachelor Degree (S1)
  • Special for nursing : minimum height of 155 cm (Female) and 160 cm (Male) with proportional of weight (as evidenced by a medical certificate from a doctor).
  • Willing to work full-time and shift,
  • For Female applicants : not pregnant and willing to not pregnant for 1 year
  • Willing to work as non cpns and does not demand to be appointed as a permanent employee or civil servant.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS).
  • Minimum educational institutions accredited B.
For further detail information about job requirements and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from RSAB Harapan Kita on following link below. All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. (


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